Data & Strategy Consulting

We help you turn data into a compelling story

We can join you at any point in the process. From collecting, organizing and cleaning raw data, to analyzing, modeling and forecasting, to visualizing and storytelling. We will help you use your data to strategize, deliver key messages, drive organizational growth and profitability, and get the most out of your data projects.

data collection.

data cleaning.






custom reports.



key messages.

index creation.

Data Collection & Cleaning


We will help you collect impactful data. We will clean the data by eliminating or correcting erroneous data points and organize the data to make it an intuitive structure, easy to build on, and relational so that multiple tables can talk to each other.

Data Analytics & Modeling


Getting results from your data is difficult. Creating a report or presentation to convey the message in a clear and concise manner requires significant time and effort.


Do you need to track the seasonality of your sales? Or the consumer sentiment towards your product?


With expertise in regression analysis, Monte Carlo simulation, factor analysis, cluster analysis, time series analysis and other techniques, we will uncover key trends and relationships and provide insights to inform decision making.

Forecasting & Visualization


Time series techniques using machine learning take historical data and apply it to future scenarios. This will help you prepare for any scenario and can even help you dictate which scenarios are more likely. We will make the results visually appealing and intuitive to help you communicate the message clearly.

Custom Reports & Presentations


Visualization is important but adding the insight and strategy for decision making is how you maximize the power of your data. We will develop a strategy around your brand and the key messages that you want to extract from your data. We will write the reports and create the presentations that you need.

Index Creation


Tracking the seasonality of sales will help determine a marketing strategy and when to target consumers. Consumer sentiment can help you know when to offer promotions. We can create indices that will track these important factors and inform key decisions.


The right data is hard to collect. Raw data is usually messy and full of errors. Errors that can skew results or even make it impossible to get results.


It can be difficult to interpret what your data is telling you.


Data comes from the past. How do you get it to tell you about the future?

We help you turn data into a compelling story

We can join you at any point in the process. From collecting, organizing and cleaning raw data, to analyzing, modeling and forecasting, to visualizing and storytelling. We will help you use your data to strategize, deliver key messages, drive organizational growth and profitability, and get the most out of your data projects.



custom presentations.

custom reports.

key messages.

index creation.

data collection.

data cleaning.





Data Collection & Cleaning


Raw data is usually messy and full of errors. Errors that can skew results or even make it impossible to get results.


We will clean the data by eliminating or correcting erroneous data points and organize the data to make it an intuitive structure, easy to add to, and relational so that multiple tables can talk to each other.

Data Analytics & Modeling


It can be difficult to interpret what your data is telling you.


With expertise in regression analysis, Monte Carlo simulation, factor analysis, cluster analysis, time series analysis and other techniques, we will uncover key trends and relationships and provide insights to inform decision making.

Forecasting & Visualization


Data comes from the past. How do you get it to tell you about the future?


Time series techniques using machine learning take historical data and apply it to future scenarios. This will help you prepare for any scenario and can even help you dictate which scenarios are more likely. We will make the results visually appealing and intuitive to help you communicate the message clearly.

Custom Reports & Presentations


Getting results from your data is difficult. Creating a report or presentation to convey the message in a clear and concise manner requires significant time and effort.


Visualization is important but adding the insight and strategy for decision making is how you maximize the power of your data. We will develop a strategy around your brand and the key messages that you want to extract from your data. We will write the reports and create the presentations that you need.

Index Creation


Do you need to track the seasonality of your sales? Or the consumer sentiment towards your product?


Tracking the seasonality of sales will help determine a marketing strategy and when to target consumers. Consumer sentiment can help you know when to offer promotions. We can create indices that will track these important factors and inform key decisions.